AP Final Exam Schedule & Payment
2023-2024 Exams
All AP exam payments must be submitted here. For questions, please contact our AP Coordinator, Norma Reyes, at [email protected].
- Payment by November 15: $96 per exam
- Reduced payment for those who qualify: $34 per exam discount, which equals $62
- Late payment is additional $40.00. This will be for payments made between November 16 and January 31.
AP exams will be offered for the following courses during the 23-24 school year:
- AP Literature
- AP Language
- AP Biology
- AP Physics 1
- AP Chemistry
- AP CS Principles
- AP US History
- AP World History
- AP Human Geography
- AP Calculus AB & BC
- AP Statistics
- AP Music Theory
- AP Art
An overview of AP exams and exam dates for the 2023-2024 school year can be found here.