Philosophy » Instructional Models and Theories

Instructional Models and Theories

Highly Effective Teaching (HET)

HET (formerly known as ITI: Integrated Thematic Instruction) was developed by Susan Kovalik. HET is a curriculum model utilized at NYOS that is based on programs for gifted and talented, accelerated learners and extended learning programs. The model focuses on brain development, building new knowledge and capitalizing on those learning environments that promote the greatest learning for students.

Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI)

Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) is an approach to teaching mathematics where teachers utilize what they know about children’s understanding of mathematics to select problems, pose those problems, question students, and facilitate discussion and sharing. NYOS students are expected to learn number facts and use them to solve problems. They are also expected to verbalize their strategies to their teacher and peers to explain how they solved the mathematical problem or problems which the teacher poses. The administrative team (which includes the elementary principal, assistant principal and instructional coach) are all certified trainers for this approach to mathematics. The approach is a result of research led by Elizabeth Fennema and Thomas P. Carpenter at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Understanding by Design
  • Understanding by design is planning outcomes based on big ideas using:
    • Authentic assessment
    • Meaningful learning activities
    • Essential questions
    • Clear objectives with TEKS as starting point

Cooperative Learning
  • An activity engaged,teacher facilitated community of learners working together in student driven active roles in order to reach a common goal.

Brain Based Learning
  • Using research-based interventions that are developmentally appropriate for all students
    • Chunking
    • Repetition
    • Scaffolding
    • Movement
    • Wait-time
    • Multi-modal

Love and Logic
  • Love and logic in NYOS community means setting clear, consistent expectations and allows for students to take ownership of their own choices. Logical consequences must allow for reflection on behavior/choices and how those affect the student and their community. These strategies empower students to be responsible, successful members of society.

Multiple Intelligences
  • NYOS teachers differentiate curriculum in order to accommodate for each students learning style. Therefore, teachers use Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence when developing activities, projects, and assessments.